Principal Message

Achievements and enhancement in human life depend on one’s dreams and desires.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam says,

‘Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended.’

In the current scenario, facing challenges is the main risk in the life of every woman.

The challenges faced by women are absolutely enormous in each and every aspect of their life.

It is clear that one who confront grief with meek, ungrieving heart will give misery to grief and hence it will depart from one’s mind.

S.A.V Sahaya Thai Arts and Science (Women) College will identify the aspiration of the students and will inspire, motivate and inculcate in them the desire to achieve their dreams and to shape their life. The institution supports women to unleash the power to propel them to achieve their goal.

Education is a holistic activity in this institution. It is not just acquiring knowledge alone, but imbibing the values and the life lessons in the process. Our institution aims to equip the students mentally and physically to use their intelligence and capabilities to face real life situations.

Wishing you a life full of success and fulfilment.

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    Phone:04637-290-111, 9486-290-111
    Email: savsahayathaicollege@gmail.com

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